Faceless Assessment Scheme – Income Tax

This is the first of its kind assessment in the WORLD!! You heard it right India is now going to be the first country to unveil an assessment which is totally faceless. Though we were going through e-assessments in the past 2 years this is an upgrade where an assessment can be done from anywhere in the country and neither the officer nor the assessee would know who they are.

Case selection for assessment will be completely done through system and using information available with the department, there is no discretion of any officer now.

Cases are now allocated automatically by the system in a dynamic manner. There shall be 95 Assessment Units, 35 Verification Units, 20 Review Units and 4 Technical Units. All working in tandem and would be faceless to each other.

All notices will now be issued by the National eAssessment Centre

Features of each of the unit under NEAC are as follows:

  • Assessment Unit : Identify issues | Seek Information | Analysis
  • Verification Unit: Verify books of accounts | Examination of Witnesses | Recording of Statements
  • Review Unit: Reviews the draft orders | Arithmetic Accuracy | Points of facts and law are incorporated | Applicability of Judicial decisions
  • Technical Unit : Assist all the units Technically

Taxpayers Charter for the first time becomes part of the income tax act. PM Modi was very clear asking people to pay taxes honestly and the department procedures will be made easy for everyone to understand and comply.

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